CSS Frameworks 2022

If you want a layout framework in 2022 what do you reach for. Bootstrap has recently had a major release. But, what if you just want something that is just small and just to help you with some layouts and have a very minimal file size because you want to handle all of the other stuff that you might get with a bootstrap yourself. What can we reach for for layout stability.

Below is a great roundup of a lot of different frameworks. I am going to pull out a few that I thought were interesting.

The GitHub repo is comprehensive but there were a few frameworks that caught my eye.

Chota is super lightweight and has some class names and structure that feels comfortable and familiar if you used Bootstrap and Foundation.

Picnic CSS caught my attention because it feels like tailwind light with some class names for example here is one of their demos.

<div class="flex three center demo"> <div><span>1</span></div> <div><span>2</span></div> <div><span>3</span></div> <div><span>4</span></div> <div><span>5</span></div></div>

Picnic is still pushing updates to their repo so it is worth watching.The interesting thing about CSS Frameworks is going to be where they end up fighting in the world in the future. Do you try to start to roll your system? Do you just use Tailwind?

I think these different frameworks all have a place and it is nice to have the exist for some projects.